
Tuesday 8 July 2014

It's Now Or Never....


If only I could get a full nights sleep, I'd have so much more patience.
If only they would keep the noise down I might not be so narky.
If only they would learn to paint without making so much mess.
If only they tried to play nicely then the playroom wouldn't be a war zone.
If they would just sit and eat their meals without spilling drinks/needing to go to the toilet/dropping food/fighting we would have some chance of resembling those beautiful Mediterranean families who sit together chatting lovingly with their children!
If these flipping skinny jeans weren't so uncomfortable I mightn't be so cranky....

The excuses are never ending.

Once the holidays arrive we'll come over all 'Little House on The Prairie' and trek, with picnics, through the fields.  
Next week I'll have more time to spend on reading with them.
Tomorrow I'm definitely spending the morning making puzzles and building Lego.
I promise I'll jump on the trampoline with you once I just finish tiding up....

I desperately want to be the Mum who seeing the beauty of the picture, not the mess caused in making it....who listens to the story and doesn't hear the mispronunciations.....who hears the joke and roars with laughter.

The excuses are running out...we've had full nights sleeps for over a year, those skinny jeans are in the bin( the clue was in the name!!), those Mediterranean families weren't really all that happy!!!

TIME that thing that weighted so heavy on me in those early months with my first, when I floundered, dazed by the lack of routine, that sense of now slips through my fingers like sand...days, weeks and years are whizzing by and it's now or never....time to MAMA THE F**K up and be the kind of Mum I dream of being, the kind of patient, gentle, non shouty Mum I've always wanted to be....ITS NOW OR NEVER!!


  1. Love it! I'm right there with you on the plan!

    1. Thanks of intentions here, just need to follow through!

  2. What a great post! I often feel the same and have to constantly remind myself to just try and enjoy the moment with Luke...the hoovering / dusting/ washing can wait until he's in bed. Let him make a mess of the sitting room or with his food, he still eats it all just form various spots on the floor! It's so hard to let go sometimes especially with only 2 days off work that I need to try and do everything in. I love your term "Mama the f'@%k up" - I'll be using that in future :)

  3. Thanks Louise...have to say I love that expression, first heard it from the ever witty Helen at The Busy Mamas! It's hard to live in the moment but at least we have the right intentions!!

  4. Brilliant! I need to print this out and leave it somewhere prominent! Excellent post, thanks for the reminder!

    1. Thanks Naomi, it's written very much as a reminder to myself too...when I'm at work I visualise the type of Mum I want to be...I return home and the intentions go out the window. Line in the sand drawn now though!

  5. Exactly what I needed to read on this tired morning. Although we still don't have sleep filled nights here, so perhaps I can use this as an excuse for a little while longer? :) Inspiring as always, E x

    1. Awwww, thank you for your lovely comment, it's never easy coping when you're not getting enough sleep, hope your day gets better xx
